Tuesday 14 May 2013

getting caught up in the tornado

WOW... the last few weeks have flown by and they have just been crazy!!!

Dance... we attended a competition in Lethbridge last weekend and it was amazing. Our girls got HIGH GOLD!!! That isn't something easy to get at a dance competition, meaning they scored over 90, well first dance of the day they got a high gold for their ballet dance of Dainty Ladies. They also received gold in their jazz and tap! We made the dance off for the first time and boy was it fun! Chaotic of course, but fun, their ballet and tap made it in the dance off and we placed 2nd and 4th!!! YAHOO!!!!

Agility... We are back outside which means Storm's brain has fallen out... sigh... my bird dog loves her birds, nothing else distracts her from agility except birds... back to working her through it. Last night we had a lovely practice, it was windy so no birds around, she was super fast and right on. Her weaves and teeter from a distance were lovely. I am planning one more practice with her for Monday night before trial next week then lots of focus and recall work for the rest of the week outside so she remembers how fun it is to come see me instead of the birds!

Ava... I have been feeling down with my Ava lately as some of my blog posts have reflected. I have been stressed, getting ready to say good bye. She is 8 and in cavalier terms that is getting old. I have had a check up planned for a bit for her and been worried about taking her before trial and being told that she can't run, it would devastate Lexi, but I had to know she was ok to run. Heart is the biggest issue, cavaliers have a mitral heart valve problem that pretty much all cavaliers will get. We have been lucky to make it 8 years with no problems, and the lucky streak continues. Her heart looks and sounds amazing!!! YEAH!!!! The vet was in shock and kept listening and looking at the tests. It isn't often you see a cavalier with a good heart, she has no signs of a murmur and she has wonderful blood tests and xrays. I am breathing a big sigh of relief and ready to watch Lexi and Ava play for a long time! I can't wait for agility next weekend and watch them take on master snooker!!!

Well it is off to Regina for our last dance competition of the season. I can't wait to watch our girls dance!

1 comment:

  1. My daughter took dance through her teenage years and I remember how much fun it was to go to the competitions - all the dancers were so excited and the performances were always so amazing. I'm glad Lexi is enjoying it :)

    I'm happy to hear that Ava got a good report from the vet. I also have a breed that can have serious health issues at a young age, so I can understand the feeling uncertainty as they get older.
