Wednesday 3 July 2013

playing catch up.... AGAIN!!!

I feel like I am always running 5 steps behind... I thought once the girls were done dance and school life would get back to normal, but I am beginning to think chaos is the normal around here.

Work is busy, just no other way to put it, I am swamped. I am trying to work as much as I can before holidays so I am not behind when we get back, but I am thinking that is just a dream and I am always going to be booking far ahead.

We did get to enjoy a down day last week. We always take holidays in Waterton for at least a week, but with our big trip this year that won't be happening, so we decided to go for a day trip instead. James and I got the girls up bright and early and headed off for the day with Clover. We enjoyed hiking and a picnic, playing in the water and at the park and a bike ride and then headed home. Clover was a champ, she was good with the deer around and all the people, plus she was wonderful to hike with, she kept up and didn't chase birds like Storm does.

James and his girls <3

Mommy and her girls <3

Miss Clover on top of the world!

One thing that is nice is I can finally say we are all planned for our trip! 11 hotels in 19 days all booked and ready to go. We leave August 2nd and head to Great Falls, MT, and the from there we go to Provo, UT, then to Vegas, Disneyland, Beverly Hills (seeing Hollywood and Santa Monica), Oceanside, San Diego, then starting our trip home through San Jose and then over the Golden Gate bridge, up to Eureka, then Portland, Spokane and home. We have so many exciting things planned for the girls, this is going to be such an amazing trip. I keep looking for the fast forward button for July so we can be on our way!